
Ingredients per serve


Lamb spareribs

  • Lamb Spareribs 3.0 kg
  • Orange juice 300.0 ml
  • Cola 300.0 ml
  • Sprigs of thyme 3.0 x
  • Sprigs of rosemary 3.0 x
  • Garlic bulbs, chopped 2.0 x
  • Ketchup 300.0 g
  • Paprika 2.0 tsp
  • Cajun spices 1.0 tsp
  • Ginger syrup 2.0 tbsp

Bell pepper dressing

  • Ketchup 150.0 g
  • Red capsicums 4.0 x
  • Marinade 400.0 ml
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt And Pepper

Sweet and sour vegetables

  • Sprigs of thyme 2.0 x
  • Large Beets, cooked 2.0 x
  • Large Carrots 2.0 x
  • Vinegar 400.0 ml
  • Sugar 200.0 g
  • Shallots, finely chopped 2.0 x

Before serving

  • Gherkins 60.0 g
  • Rocket cress 15.0 g
  • Pickled silver onions 4.0 tbsp

Dutch Michelin starred chef Erik van Loo is a street food aficionado. This recipe is a simplified version of his lamb spareribs. Leave the lamb to marinate overnight, and you will end up with tender, intensely flavorful ribs.



  1. Lamb spareribs

    • Mix all the ingredients, except for the spare ribs, in a bowl.
    • Put the ribs in a large pan; pour over the marinade, cover and leave to marinate for 12 hours in the refrigerator.
    • Cook the spareribs on low heat until they are just done. Check regularly: the meat should be tender and soft but it shouldn't fall of the bone. Remove the ribs from the pan and leave to cool.
    • Reduce the marinade until 400 ml of liquid. Put through a sieve and keep aside.
    • Bell pepper dressing

      • Remove the skin of the bell peppers with a vegetable peeler, clean them and chop into pieces. Cook in a little water until tender and blend smooth.
      • Bring the pepper puree to the boil with the marinade, the orange juice and the ketchup. Reduce by half. Leave to cool and whisk in the olive oil.
      • Season with salt and pepper.
      • Sweet and sour vegetables

        • Finely dice or thinly slice the beetroots and the carrots.
        • Bring the vinegar to a boil with the sugar, the shallots, the thyme and 150 ml of water and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
        • Pour the hot mixture through a sieve over the vegetables and leave to cool.
      • Before serving

        • Mix the pickled beetroot and carrots with the gherkins and silver onions.
        • Cut the ribs into serving portions and serve with the dressing and the sweet and sour vegetables. Garnish with rocket cress.